Tuesday, June 23, 2020



Talking to computers used to be reserved for Star Trek and those with overactive imaginations. Now, it’s a regular part of daily life. [CodersCafe] decided to put this technology to work in a chess robot, with the help of Amazon’s digital assistant.
The build relies on an Cartesian motion rig, built out of Lego Technics parts. The end effector is fitted with a magnet , fitted onto the Z-axis screw for engaging and disengaging with the pieces. A Mindstorms EV3 controller is used to run the show, hooked up over Bluetooth to an Amazon Echo. This allows the user to ask Alexa to move the pieces for the white player in natural language – by saying, for example, “move from B1 to C3”.
It’s a build that demonstrates how easy it is to create projects with advanced functionality by lacing together the correct off-the-shelf hardware. Other Cartesian-type motion platforms can make great chess robots, too.

by: Lewin Day

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