Friday, November 23, 2018


Samsung reconoce un fallo en el Note 9 con Snapdragon que bloquea la cámaraCompany acknowledges a bug in Note 9 with Snapdragon that blocks the camera

The Galaxy Note 9 from Samsung is the brand's latest high-end terminal. Introduced in August, some users of the commercialized version in america began to report a recurring decision that slows down the camera application only a few days later.This defect happens when using the camera application itself, with image freezes ranging from 3 to 10 seconds in duration or slowing the video display while it is being recorded both in the official camera application and through of others. Sometimes it leaves a "camera failed" message to the user. A similar bug also affects some users of Pixel 3 and previous generations.The brand now recognizes this failure through the support forum and claims to be working on a solution: "our specialists have given us the directive that an update that fixes this specific problem is decamino". The affected version according to the reports is the one that has processor Snapdragon 845 and by now its scope is limited to the United States. A similar model is distributed in Mexico. Therefore the annoying problem would not affect the version distributed in Europe, with its own processor Exynos.At the moment, there is no temporary commitment on the part of the manufacturer with this update, nor has the scope of this incidence been made public. Meanwhile, there are solutions that seem to be helping some users, though for some temporarily. As SamMobile collects, one option is to clear the phone's cache, which does not delete its contents. As picked up on HardReset on video, you just have to follow a series of simple steps that take a couple of minutes:

-Turn the phone off and on by simultaneously pressing the Volume Up button, Bixby Button, and Lock Button until the Samsung logo appears.
-In the menu, we go down to the option to delete the cache partition using the volume keys and select with the lock button. We confirm.
-We select the reboot option and the phone will turn on normally.

H. T.

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