Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Conspiracionista banido por gigantes tecnológicas e site pornográficoConspiracyist banned by technological giants and pornographic site

Apple kicked off what was a veritable mass expulsion from conspiracy program Alex Jones's digital platforms. Vox tells us that what started with a removal of some Infowars videos / podcasts on Spotify and YouTube turned out to be a complete ban when Apple decided to remove all related content from iTunes.Followed by Facebook, YouTube and Spotify, they justified the decision that Alex Jones violates the guidelines of their communities and publish content with hate speech. Note to the Business Insider that although Infowars is known for spreading conspiracy theories and fake news, this was not the reason cited for the expulsion of Alex Jones.The expulsion of Infowars from the digital platforms was not restricted to the great technology but also to the pornographic site YouPorn, points out TechCrunch. Unable to publish content on digital platforms like Facebook and YouTube, many take advantage of the more relaxed guidelines of pornographic sites to publish their content. Marking your position, YouPorn has decided to remove all episodes related to Alex Jones and Infowars.Despite all the mobilization of technological giants to oust Infowars from Alex Jones, one of the few digital platforms that still hosts the show is Twitter, which is contributing to a good deal of criticism for allowing the presence of hate speech.

Miguel Dias-NM

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