Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Recycle Track Systems: o Uber do lixo quer garantir uma nova vida para todos os resíduos
Recycle Track Systems: Waste Uber wants to ensure a new life for all waste
Greg Lettieri and Adam Pasquale are the founders of a North American startup called Recycle Track Systems (RTS). The company, of which they are the respective CEO and COO, offers a garbage collection service based on a system of providers similar to that of Uber, connecting independent customers and collaborators through an app. Then, as in the hitch application, garbage is monitored from the collection point to the storage location. Thus, customers can know where their garbage was placed, after being taken from their container.In addition, the company also provides collection services for larger objects such as furniture and appliances. And while all this may seem bizarre at first glance, because "who wants to know where their rubbish will stop?", The startup has raised about $ 11.7 million in one of the last rounds of funding in which he participated.The truth is that behind this business, there is an ecological purpose. The RTS wants to make the food waste be taken to the farms, where it is then transformed into organic compost. Trash with potential to be reused is sent to cleaning and processing plants. The idea, in short, is to reduce waste and assure consumers that their waste has been properly reused.

"Food waste accounts for 35% of the total waste stream, making it a real threat to landfills," Lettieri told CNBC. "We need more people to collaborate with us. The material that is dumped needs to be treated differently," said the CEO.RTS is operating in New York, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore and Chicago. At this time, the main customers are restaurants, schools, hotels, stadiums and supermarkets, which guarantees a substantial impact on the total amount of waste generated in these regions.To make the system efficient, RTS analyzes the type of garbage that each company produces, so that a more sustainable solution is created. Already this year, the startup collaborated with the Citi Field and managed the waste generated during the National Hockey League Winter Classic. After the event, the company was able to donate the 1,672 square meters of plywood used to build the ring, and 27 rolls of artificial snow to Materials for the Arts, a New York-based association that provides art materials to schools in that state. The motto, in this and in all other cases, is always the same: reuse.


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