Friday, September 23, 2022


Drone se transformou em uma impressora 3D de construção

British scientists create drone repairer and home builder

Scientists from Imperial College London and the Swiss Institute of EMPA have created drones for the construction and repair of buildings in difficult-to-regrept locations without installing forests and attracting cranes and helicopters. The process is inspired by the bees that build nests at heights and in isolated places.

The work is carried out by two types of drones. Construction drones are directly involved in construction. They carry construction material and suit nozzles, they are makeshift 3D printers. Scandrones Drones monitor the construction process, scan the facility during the construction process and automatically adjust the work of the builder's drones. The man-man does not interfere in the process, but at any time he can take over if something goes wrong.

Under laboratory conditions, the drones were able to create a 2.05 m tall cylindrical structure from the mounting foam and an 18 cm column from a cement of the material. The deviation of the drawings was 5 mm. In the first case, the drones dropped 72 layers of material, and in the second 28. Interestingly, the nozzle on the drone is able to shift to the side, compensating for the accidental cleaning of the builder's drone in the air. For example, this is useful during construction in windy weather.

"We have proven the concept that drones can work autonomously and together for the construction and repair of buildings, at least in the laboratory," said Mirko Kovac, project manager at the Imperial Aeronautics Department of Aeronautics and Mirko Kovac. "This scalable solution can help with construction and repair in hard-to-reach locations, for example high-rise buildings."

Going forward, the researchers do not exclude the possibility that the proposed decision will help create structures on Mars when it comes to colonization.

Imperial College London/Swiss Institute of EMPA

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