Friday, September 30, 2022



Garmin introduziu um comunicador via satélite para todos os smartphones

inReach Messenger: the brand's portable satellite communication device

While the iPhone 14 with its support for satellite communications has just entered the market, other manufacturers are offering their solutions. Garmin introduced the inReach Messenger device, which allows you to send and receive text messages over a satellite network. So far, only Iridium system support has been announced.

The device matches Garmin solutions including smartwatches, browsers and more, as well as iOS and Android smartphones. This is done using the Garmin Messenger app. Once connected, it can receive and send messages, transmit coordinates or send an SOS signal.

inReach Messenger has its own screen, and the system itself is powered by a battery that lasts for 28 days of operation.

The novelty is equipped with an impact-resistant case with IPX7 protection level, its dimensions are 80 x 60 x 15 mm and the weight is 115 grams. Communicator pricing is $300, for data transmission you need to subscribe - 10 messages per month for $15, 40 messages for $35 or unlimited for $65 per month.

Previously, it was reported that Samsung Galaxy smartphones will receive satellite communication support such as the iPhone 14 and Huawei Mate 50


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