Friday, June 12, 2020


Salad with human face: cannibalism appeared in the new edition to The Sims 4

Polygon journalist Cass Marshall discovered an undocumented feature of The Sims 4's Green Life add-on - the ability to become a cannibal.
With the launch of “Eco-Friendly Life”, a user appeared in the game, which allows you to process unnecessary items: save money and save nature.
After death (natural or by player submission), The Sims 4 character turns into an urn with ashes or leaves a tombstone. As it turned out, these items can also be inserted into the mechanism.
Having learned about the possibility of such creative use by the user, a Polygon employee thought of nothing better than to process the remains of the Sims she killed in a salad and eat it.
Marshall does not plan to stop what has been achieved: “I will resume improving my skills in organizing lunches. I'll learn how to best serve Sims for a meal. “
This is not the first curious case related to "Green Life". The patch released on the eve of the debut of the add-on, for example, added spontaneous bowls to the game.
The Sims 4 was released in September 2014 on the PC and, in November 2017, reached PS4 and Xbox One. Since its launch, the game has received nine paid extensions, including Green Life.


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