Saturday, June 20, 2020


Google launches the Keen service - a potential competitor to Pinterest

The development team at Area 120, a division of experimental and development services at Google, silently launched the new social service Keen. It is an analogue of the popular Pinterest service and is positioned as its potential competitor.
One of the distinguishing features of the new service is that it features machine learning technologies in the content search process. This means that it will be easier for users to find something interesting, as a special algorithm does an excellent job of finding materials based on the topics indicated by the visitor on the service. One of the project's authors, CJ Adams (KJ Adams) noted that Keen is committed to becoming an alternative to "irrational" observation channels.
Even if you are not an expert on any topic, you can find something interesting on your own and maintain several links that you find useful. These contents act like seeds and help to find more related material over time, ”says CJ Adams.
Despite the fact that Keen can now hardly be called a competitor of Pinterest, the new service has a significant advantage, which consists of Google's vast experience in working with artificial intelligence-based technologies and machine learning algorithms. Currently, you can interact with Keen through a web browser or an experimental application available to users of Android devices.


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