Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Fabricante de aeronaves norte-americana Sikorsky e Boeing apresentam novo helicóptero SB-1 DEFIANT
Sirkosky-Boeing helicopter prototype sets speed record

The prototype of the Sikorsky-Boeing SB-1 Defiant helicopter reached a record speed of 379 km / h in a test, the companies announced on Tuesday (16).
The test represents a major step in the partnership between Boeing and Sikorsky, which continues to try to reach the required speed of 425 km / h, said Jay Macklin, director of Sikorsky for the development of vertical takeoff vehicles, during a press conference at this Tuesday.
The flight, which was conducted by test pilots Bill Fell of Sikorsky, and Ed Henderscheid of Boeing, took place at Sirkorsky's Test Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, reveals Defense News.
"Getting over 370 km / h is also important because it is beyond any conventional helicopter speed, and we understand that low-level speed and serviceability is critical to holistic survival in an FVL environment. future], said Macklin.
The Defiant program has accumulated more than 18 flight hours since the tests started in March 2018. The aircraft reached 185 km / h for the first time in January this year.
Macklin acknowledged the impact that the coronavirus pandemic had on the development of the helicopter, however, most of the flight test stages continue as planned.
"If we fly once a week, we will be happy, and if we fly every two weeks, we will be happy with that too. However, we have to continue to progress with the test platform," concluded the Sikorsky pilot.
RIA Novosti

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