Tuesday, June 23, 2020


apple ar augmented reality glasses automatic adjusting lenses prescription patent registration
Company Patents Auto-Adjusting Lenses for Upcoming AR Glasses

Last month, Apple leaker Jon Prosser reported that the tech giant’s upcoming augmented reality glasses would support prescription lenses at various price points, but a new patent granted this week to Apple is now suggesting that the device might not need prescription lenses at all thanks to its auto-adjustment technology.
The patent was granted last Tuesday by the US Patent and Trademark Office for a “head-mounted display apparatus for retaining a portable electronic device with display.” While patents for a device has been filed numerous times before, the latest filing focused on the ability for its lenses to automatically adjust according to the eyesight of its user. “The optical subassembly comprises at least one dynamic optical component and wherein the processor is configured to adjust the dynamic optical component based on the prescription information,” reads the patent. “For example, if a user is myopic in one eye, the optical module associated with that eye may modify the image displayed to correct the user’s myopia,” it continues to explain. “The system may determine the correction required for each eye, if any, using any suitable approach.

apple ar augmented reality glasses automatic adjusting lenses prescription patent registration

For example, the user may enter a glasses or contact lens prescription that indicates the required correction.”
Of course, the technology is still at its patent stage, and so far everything related to the Apple Glass has just been rumors, as the tech company has yet to confirm their plans for releasing AR glasses, so fans of the brand should definitely stay tuned for more updates to come.

By Jeff Yeung

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