Friday, June 28, 2019


App da Prio permite-lhe pagar combustível sem sair do carroPrio App lets you pay for fuel without leaving the car
Fueling the fuel vehicle can be seen as a headache. Not by the supply process itself but by the act of payment, which often requires drivers to get out of the car and wait in line. Well, the new Prio petrol station app wants to change that.
Named PRIO.GO, this app allows drivers to pay for the fuel without leaving the vehicle. "This app allows you to reduce wait times, improve the experience, make it easier to fill and simplify the life of your users. This is another step in our digitization strategy, enabling us to position PRIO as a future energy company for mobility, "Prio CEO Pedro Morais Leitão said in a statement. By geolocation, the app can identify the station it is in and allows users to select the type and amount of fuel to be consumed. Once you have selected the payment method you can follow the trip. The app is now available for Android and iOS. Miguel Dias

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