Friday, January 18, 2019


You Should Care About Bad Passwords
'12345' Is Really Bad: Your Ultimate Guide to Password Security
We have advised you again and again that the only safe way to store and use passwords is to rely on a password manager, but some of you are not listening. In a PCMag survey on passwords, only 24 percent of you reported using a password manager. What are you doing? Using easy passwords like password or 12345678? Memorizing a complex password and using it everywhere? Listen, taking care of password security is no small matter, but given the enormous scale of the risk-as illustrated in the recent Collection # 1 breach, which exposed 773 million hacked email addresses-you need to do everything you can to keep your passwords safe.
Even if you're using the best password manager, it does not guarantee the safety of your accounts-not if you use the password manager to remember those same old, tired passwords. You have to get down in the trenches and switch out the bad passwords for new, stronger ones.
That survey mentioned above revealed that 35 percent of PCMag readers never change their passwords, unless forced to do so by a breach. In general, that's not such a bad thing. The National Institute of Standards and Technology no longer recommends changing passwords every 90 days. NIST now recommends using long passphrases like "Correct-Horse-Battery-Staple" and changing them only when necessary. But if you're using terrible passwords, "when necessary" means right now.
Just what does a bad password mean? We'll look at some of the attributes of terrible passwords, and then we'll give you some pointers on how to passwords the right way. Stay Out of the Dictionary
Every few months one or more posts a list of the worst passwords. We see a lot of easy-to-type options, like 123456 and 12345678 and qwerty. Easy for you? Sure. But also easy for hackers to crack. Other common (and poor) passwords consist of simple dictionary words. We've seen baseball, monkey, and starwars in the list of worst passwords. These, too, are easy to crack.
Some secure websites lock down after a set number of wrong password attempts, but many do not. For those with bad-guess lockout, hackers can cross the list of email addresses with a list of popular passwords and set up an automated process to keep trying combinations until they get in.
A properly secured website does not store your password anywhere. Instead, it runs the password through a hashing algorithm, a kind of one-way encryption. The same input always produces the same output, but there's no way to get back to the original password from the resulting hash. If the password you type hashes to the same value it's stored, you get access. Even if hackers capture the site's user data, they do not get passwords, just hashes.
But smart hackers can crack weak passwords even when they're hashed, if they know what hashing function the site used. They start by running a huge dictionary of common passwords through the hashing function. Then they look for the resulting hashes in the captured data. Each match is a cracked password. Sites with the very best security enhance the hash function with a technique called salting, which makes this kind of table-based cracking impossible, but why take the risk? Just stay out of the dictionary. Think Different
A friend once told me her perfect password: 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv. She could "type" it by just sliding the finger down four slanted columns of the keyboard. It was so perfect, she used it everywhere. And that was a big mistake.
Hardly a week goes by without news of breach at some company or website, exposing thousands or millions of usernames and passwords. Smart victims change their passwords immediately. Those who ignore the problem may find themselves locked out of their own accounts after the hackers reset the password.
Those hackers know that all too many people recycle their passwords. Once they find a working username and password pair, they try the same credentials on other sites. You may not be worried about losing access to your Club Penguin account, but if you use the same login on your bank's website, you've got big trouble.
It gets worse. If someone else gets control of your email account, they can first lock you out by changing the password. Then they can break into your other accounts by having the reset password emailed to that account. Worried yet?
Do not Get Personal
Using personal information on the basis of your passwords is awfully tempting, but it's a bad idea. Chances are good your dog's name appears in the hacker dictionaries use for brute-force attacks. Other possibilities such as the initials and birthdate of a family member probably will not fail to brute-force attack, but if someone wants to hack your account specifically, that personal data can fuel a trial-and-error guessing attack.
Do not think for a minute that your personal details are private. There are dozens of sites people can use to find details about anybody: address, birthdate, marital status, and more. Your social media posts can be another source of personal info, especially if you have not secured your accounts. A determined hacker (or a nosy neighbor) can probably guess any password that you build based on your own data.
Close the Back Door
If you're not using the password manager, you've surely experienced forgetting the password for a site. It's all too common, which is why virtually every login page includes "Forgot your password?" link. Some sites send a reset link to your email address, while others let you reset the password after answering your security questions. And that opens a door for anyone wanting to hack your account. Most sites offer abysmal options for security questions. What is your mother's name? Where did you go to high school? What was your first job? As noted, your personal life is an open book to anyone with internet searching skills. When possible, ignore the preset questions. Create your own question, with a unique answer that you'll always remember but no one else could guess.
It's harder when the site does not define your own questions. In that case, your best bet is to use a memorable answer that's a total lie. My mother's maiden name is Obama. I went to school at Communist Martyrs High. For my first job, I was a lion tamer. There is an element of risk, since you might forget which lie you chose. I would suggest storing these oddball answers as secure notes in your password manager ... but if you were using the password manager it would have remembered the password for you.
What to Do Now That You Care
I hope I've convinced you that using common passwords is a rotten idea, building passwords from personal information. And even the best strong, random password becomes a liability if you use it all over the place. If you're ready to take action, here are some starting points:
-Use the password manager.
-Switch to a better password manager.
-Remember an insanely secure master password for your password manager.
-Take advantage of a random password generator to upgrade your old, bad passwords.
-You could even create your own random password generator in Excel.
-Enable two-factor authentication wherever available.
If a secure site does not take care of security, you could still lose that site's credentials to a breach date, but by making all your passwords long, strong, and unique, you've done everything you can to protect your online accounts.
And hey! Now that you're on a roll, security-wise, consider adding a virtual private network, or VPN. Using strong passwords for secure sites means others can not break into your accounts; adding to VPN means there's no chance anyone can intercept your connection to those secure sites. Neil Rubenking

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