Saturday, January 19, 2019


Trump banido no Twitter se apelasse à violência? "Falaríamos sobre isso"Twitter's unprovoked hysteria over Donald Trump
The strong use that the US President, Donald Trump, gives to Twitter has often motivated conversations about the policy of using the social network. Despite the aggressive tone and harassment in Trump's publications, Twitter has resisted criticism and does not eliminate the President from his social network. In an interview with the Huffington Post, CEO Jack Dorsey (In the photo above) came back to talk about the subject.
Asked if Trump would be banned if he asked his followers to "kill a journalist," Dorsey admits that this is a "violent threat," but he still had an answer that is seen as insufficient: "We would certainly talk about it" .
Dorsey defended himself by stating that Twitter "has established a protocol" and that it is "transparent". "It's posted so everyone can read it," said the CEO of Twitter.
In the past the social network has already justified the permanence of Trump referring that, by being President, tweets are seen as being worthy of News. Miguel Dias

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