Sunday, November 11, 2018


Combustível Solar TérmicoScientists create solar thermal fuel that stores energy for 18 years

Solar energy is a type of green energy that continues to be heavily exploited worldwide. It does not matter if it is renewable or abundant, but the truth is that storing solar energy efficiently in the long run, is still quite costly.It may be a major impediment to large-scale adoption, but a group of Swedish scientists believe it has discovered a solution that stores liquid solar energy for 18 years.Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Chalmers (Sweden), Kasper Moth-Poulsen revealed that ...... "the energy in this isomer can now be stored for 18 years. And when we extract the energy and use it, we get an increase in heat that is greater than we dare to expect. "Swedish scientists have developed a fluid consisting of hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen that stores the energy of the sun as heat and later it is released through a cobalt-based catalyst.Solar thermal fuel, what is it?They named it "solar thermal fuel" and, according to MIT engineer Jeffrey Grossman, "a solar thermal fuel is like a rechargeable battery, but instead of electricity, sunlight warms and is triggered on demand."After reacting to the presence of sunlight, the fluid reorders its atomic bonds and turns the liquid into a "cage" that holds the solar energy, even if cooled or at room temperature.With the catalyst, the molecules return to their original form and the solar energy is released. The transformation allows the passage of the liquid temperature from 20 ° C to 83 ° C."When we extract energy to use, we get a heat increase that is greater than we dare expect," says Kasper Moth-Poulsen.This discovery has immense potential and promises to revolutionize this type of renewable energy. Scientists believe it could be used to heat domestic water, and is an alternative method for using fossil fuels that emit CO2 gases.Although it is a promising technology, it is not yet ready for the public. Kasper Moth-Poulsen believes it should be marketed in 10 years.

Energy Renovave Magazine

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