Saturday, November 10, 2018


Bionic animals that crawl and fly

At first glance they look like real animals. But they are not. However, the way they replicate the movements of the animals in which they were inspired makes these robots leave the doubt in the air. These bionic animals were created by the German company Festo, which is dedicated to the development and construction of automated futuristic technology.
Robots are based on seals, kangaroos, bats, ants or butterflies. According to CNN, one of the reasons they are able to fly, swim, jump or crawl as well as the animals they wish to imitate is due to their ultra-light weight.
The main objective of Festo is to learn from nature and use this knowledge to improve automated machines.
"It's fascinating what we can learn from nature and it's worth paying more attention and being inspired to look for new solutions," says Elias Maria Knubben, director of corporate bionics at Festo.Watch the video and see the evolution of the company's robots.

Fábio Nunes, de Portugal

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