Monday, November 12, 2018


Ataques DDoS: Universidades e escolas são novo alvo de hackers
DDoS attacks: Universities and schools are new target of hackers

Kaspersky Lab released the results of a report dedicated to the DDoS attacks for the third quarter of the year. The computer security specialist reports a general decrease in this type of attacks, but there was an increase in the focus on educational institutions, justifying the beginning of the academic period.This year the University of Edinburgh, one of the UK's leading schools, and Infinite Campus, the North American provider of tools to support public school parental portals, are among the most attacked victims. Experts report that most of the DDoS attacks were executed during the class period, having declined on vacation. Given that the hours of the greatest flow of attacks occur during academic hours, the cyber security company suggests that hackers may be students.In all, over the assessed period, 82 countries have suffered attacks, putting China first in the victims, followed by the United States and Australia closing the podium. This is even the first time that the "kangaroo country" has taken such a high position in Kaspersky's reports. As for the countries with the largest number of C & C botnet servers, the United States ranks first, followed by Russia and Greece.Although it considers a decrease in DDoS attacks, on the one hand because the focus of cybercriminals is mainly on crypto-coins, increased registration in educational establishments "shows attempts by young people to irritate teachers or other students, or even postpone a test" , says Kaspersky.


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