Thursday, October 18, 2018


PlayStation revela solução para consolas bloqueadas por mensagens
PlayStation unveils solution for message-locked consoles

Sony Interactive Entertainment has not yet released any software updates to prevent a message from blocking PlayStation 4 consoles. Instead, the company has unveiled a solution to unlock them.
"We solved the problem and were not blocking consoles, just sending them to a foreclosure loop that can be easily resolved in less than five minutes. Delete the message from the PlayStation mobile app, enter Security Mode, choose option 5 and the console will return to normal ", can be read in the response given by PlayStation on Twitter (below).
Despite this solution, it is likely that Sony Interactive Entertainment will launch an update in the future that will solve the problem.

We've since fixed the issue, and it wasn't bricking consoles,  just sending them into a crash loop that can be quickly fixed in under 5 minutes. Delete the message on the PS mobile app, go into Safe Mode, use Option 5, console back to normal. ^DB

Miguel Dias

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