The abusive use of computers and electronic devices with internet access has grown dramatically in recent years. Currently it is a sin of 8 to 10% of the Brazilian population. Prolonged use of these devices interferes with people's social, personal, and family interactions."Complications such as dependence on the use of the internet and impairments in the quality and quantity of sleep, through direct impact through the illumination of the screen, have been increasingly recognized and studied," warns Fernando Morgadinho, MD, associate professor of neurology at the Federal University of São Paulo Paulo and director of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN). "The damage to the amount of sleep comes from the often compulsive use of computers on personal relationship sites, games, or virtual surveys. Nowadays we recognize the Internet Dependence Disorder and Electronic Addiction, which are psychiatric changes with increasing prevalence. In these cases the addition leads to a purposeless sleep loss to maintain the addiction. "On the other hand, these gadgets emit a lot of blue light. This spectrum of light greatly inhibits the release of melatonin, which is an important hormone in sleep induction. People with use of electronic gadgets connected or not to the internet, with a screen near bedtime, have a great risk of worsening sleep.
On the other hand, these gadgets emit a lot of blue light. This spectrum of light greatly inhibits the release of melatonin, which is an important hormone in sleep induction. People with use of electronic gadgets connected or not to the internet, with a screen near bedtime, have a great risk of worsening sleep.
There is no precise definition of a safe time limit for everyday computer use. Morgadinho reports that some authors describe that use over two hours a day after school hours may impact teen sleep.
However, the ideal or safe amount for computer use will depend on several factors such as the professional choice of each person, for example. Thus, the limit on the use of hours is difficult to establish. Relevant is knowing how to recognize the warning signs that characterize abuse and probably addiction. Start thinking twice if you fit the items below:
• Spends hours of sleep to stay on the computer
• Always stay connected longer than intended
• Lost friends or receive complaints from family members about the time you spend online
• Injury to performance or productivity at work due to the Internet
• Angry when someone is in the way while connected
• Try to reduce the amount of time connected and can not
• You become depressed and nervous when you are not connected and it disappears when you are connected again.
In this case there is a need to seek help from a specialized professional. Usually, according to Morgadinho, it is recommended to avoid using computers, tablets, cell phones and other devices two hours before bed.
Another alternative that decreases the risk for sleep impairment is the use of blue light filters on the screens or directly on the device. In this situation, the impact of screen illumination on the release of melatonin is minimized.
Source: Lifestyle/mundophone
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