Monday, August 6, 2018


Alexa pronta para assustar intrusos com simulação de conversas
Alexa ready to scare intruders with simulation of conversations
Although not an alarm system par excellence, Amazon's Alexa will gain features that will leave you more rested every time you leave home. This is not a state-of-the-art security system, but an illusion designed to trick potential intruders. With the new Away Mode, the Echo speakers will be able to play real conversations to simulate the presence of people at home.The system was developed by the Californian Hippo, who describes the dialogues as "long and strange tracks, designed to keep any unwanted visits away from home." At the moment, there are seven dialogues available, each of which has a duration between 47 and 72 minutes.Talks include "a meeting of a book club where everything, other than the book, is discussed", "a lit discussion about the rules of a board game", one where "two men discuss what is unique in themselves so that they can start a podcast about these characteristics "and another one that" happens in a meeting of parents and teachers, in a school, where the participants debate about memes, fidget spinners, and other subjects. " Note that the conversations were all written by screenwriters of the humorous series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the talk show Saturday Night Live.In a conversation with USA Today, Hippo explained that the system should be viewed more as a joke than as a serious effort to ensure the protection of a home.


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