Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Aprenda a criar conteúdos em realidade aumentada com este curso gratuito da Google
Learn how to create augmented reality content with this free Google course
Free sharing of information and knowledge is one of the greatest capabilities of the internet and this new course at Google is just another example of how well all this dynamic works. The company launched this week an "Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore" class on the Coursera platform. The content is part of a 15-hour course designed to teach you how to use Google's augmented reality system and the other resources technology has developed for this technology.The lesson can be useful for application developers who want to expand their knowledge to a new technology sector, without having to invest money to learn the basics.Although generous, this decision by Google obviously has the interest to capture talent for its own augmented reality platform, once the competition in the segment is on.The introductory video is available on YouTube and can be viewed for free through this link-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiZCEA7W2m4. The course can be accessed-https://www.coursera.org/learn/ar?utm_source=linkshare&siteID=TnL5HPStwNw-LtQsdqe3JQ2QWjT_K9KTEQ&utm_content=10&utm_campaign=TnL5HPStwNw&utm_medium=partners.


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