Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Venezuela bloqueia acessos à rede Tor e aumenta controle na internet
Venezuela blocks access to the Tor network and increases control on the internet
Tor network accesses have been blocked throughout Venezuela. The news was released this Tuesday by the portal Access Now, which quotes several activists from the country.According to data referring to Internet traffic in Venezuela, access to the Tor network has increased exponentially in recent weeks. The trend may have been a response to the blocking of several sites belonging to Venezuelan media.Note that censorship in the digital domain has been constant, since the Venezuelan executive has risen in level in the way it prohibits access to various points of the internet. Initially, portals were still accessible through a DNS server, but no similar alternative seems to work today. The Tor network was one of the last strongholds of Internet freedom in Venezuela.According to Andrés Azpúrua, of Venezuela Inteligente, this is a blockade "that requires sophisticated methods" and constitutes one of the most "rigid" measures that the government has taken against the internet.Note that the Tor network was designed to evade potential cases of state censorship, as it redirects traffic from a system of voluntary servers distributed around the world, making it difficult to block the system.


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