Wednesday, June 27, 2018


No próximo ano, o mundo vai passar mais tempo online do que a ver TV
Next year, the world will spend more time online than watching TV
In 2019, the internet will surpass the television in average time of use per person, although by a little difference. Next year, users will spend 170.6 minutes navigating the large network, dispensing 170.3 minutes ahead of the box that changed the world.The data are from the Zenith agency and also indicate that the next year, in 2020, the gap will be larger, with the internet growing up to 180 minutes daily - or three hours - of consumption per person, and the television to download to the 168.In the case of the internet, the device whose use increases the most is - of course - the smartphone. According to the information gathered, from 2011 to the projection now made for 2019, online access will grow 504% (smartphones and tablets). On the other hand, navigation made from computers will drop 18%. The study also states that the use of the TV will decrease 4% in this period.For online values ​​accounting contribute to websites browsing, reading newspapers and watching online video. This last factor is one of those that have unbalanced the balance to the side of the internet.


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