Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Já conhece o Helix Jump? É um dos jogos grátis mais populares do momento
Already know Helix Jump? It is one of the most popular free games of the moment

The objective is to go down the baffling ball between the different levels of the platform, through the free range and without touching the parts that have different color. For this you have to run the platforms.

In order not to be penalized, we can try to calculate the next steps by gaining time by letting the ball hit as often as necessary, but the score will be higher if we pass the ball through the different layers without any touch. Of course, as you move through the levels things get more and more complicated.
Helix Jump has a free version - with lots of publicity, which decreases if you play offline - and is available for both Android and iOS devices.
Around and there are games that stand out in the midst of the immensity of proposals that come up all the time and Helix Jump is one of the most recent cases.


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