Sunday, May 13, 2018


Novo recurso do YouTube destaca as principais tendências musicais de cada país
New YouTube feature highlights major music trends in each country
YouTube Charts will let users know which are the most popular artists, songs or videos in the world on the platform owned by Google, with the tables to be updated weekly."With more than 1.8 billion global monthly users, YouTube tables are the new destination to visit to find out what's most popular, what's growing, and what are the trends, whether locally or globally" , the company said in a statement.The Trends table aims to demonstrate, in real time, the most popular songs at any given time and user preferences, being updated several times a day.The other rankings, though they already exist, are now being revamped, with Top Artists to be based on the total number of views of each artist's complete discography, including official song videos, live performances, remixes and lyrics videos , for example.Top Music Videos unveil the official music videos most viewed on the platform and Top Music highlights the most heard on YouTube and combines all official versions of a song, which includes using music in videos created by users and the official video. Updates to these tables happen on Sundays.In Portugal, the video of the new song of Childish Gambino, full of allusions to American history, occupies the first place in the Top Trends. Just a week ago online, it has more than 90 million views. The other three tables are led by Brazilian McKekel.


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