Monday, May 14, 2018


Executivo da Electronic Arts acredita que a PS4 vendeu o dobro da Xbox One
Electronic Arts Executive believes that PS4 sold twice as much of Xbox One
Many publishers make decisions about the production or adaptation of future video games to a platform by their number of units sold. The so-called "installed park of consoles" offers a projection margin for video game sales, an essential analysis for the investment needed for a project today.In that sense, console manufacturers provide sales numbers during their investor conferences, but Microsoft since 2015 has not publicly released reports on the Xbox One. Eletronic Arts executive Blake Jorgensen has made a calculation based on installed consoles during the fiscal year 2018, which ended in March, and in the sales projections for 2019.According to him, there are 130 million consoles installed in 2018, compared to 103 million units in 2017, distributed by Sony and Microsoft platforms, without specifying the scale. But in January, Sony revealed that by the end of 2017 had accumulated 73.6 million PS4 sold, leaving a margin of 29.4 million Xbox One of the 103 million anticipated by the executive. In these accounts were left out the numbers of the Nintendo Switch, which sold in the first year 15 million units.

Previously, Electronic Arts had already made projections of Microsoft's console when it reported in January 2016 that they had been sold between 18/19 million units since its launch in 2013. This estimate would give an average of annual sales as of the 5/6 million devices, which is very little, which suggests the lack of official figures. Still, Microsoft said that the estimates were incorrect, but did not offer to correct them.Some strategic mistakes in the pre-launch of Xbox One have limited console sales, having angered its fans, players in general and the press. The obligation of a persistent internet connection to work or the inability of Xbox One to read used discs were misunderstood decisions. In addition, the Kinect introduced in each console has raised its price to $ 500, plus 100 than its rival PlayStation 4.Although it corrected all these decisions at its launch, the evil was already done, and it has been difficult for the console to recover. Another difficulty that Microsoft has been debating is the scarcity of exclusive video games for its platform. The fact that they benefit from the Play Anywhere program, which allows them to play them on PCs with Windows 10 installed, does not encourage the purchase of the console ...


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