Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Páginas falsas no Facebook responsáveis por 60% do phishing em redes sociaisFake Facebook pages responsible for 60% of phishing in social networks

Facebook was the easiest social network to fraudulently replicate by hackers between January and March 2018, with service pages created by Mark Zuckerberg to be frequently falsified for personal data theft through phishing attacks.Kaspersky Lab indicates that its technologies have avoided more than 3.7 million attempts to visit fake social networking sites, 60% of which were Facebook pages.The trend is long-term, says the computer security company. In 2017, Facebook became one of the top three phishing targets, reaching 8% of total attacks, followed by Microsoft Corporation (6%) and PayPal (5%).In the first quarter of this year, Facebook also leads in the social networking phishing category, followed by VK - a Russian social network - and LinkedIn. This contributed to a monthly average of 2.13 billion active users worldwide, including those accessing other applications through Facebook's credentials, making social network users a profitable target for hackers responsible for phishing attacks.Social networking phishing is a cybercrime that involves the theft of personal data from the victim's social networking profiles. The hacker creates a copy of a social networking site (such as a fake Facebook page), where he tries to lure innocent victims into giving them their personal information - such as their name, passwords, credit or PIN code, among others, alerts Kaspersky.


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