Monday, October 17, 2022



Apple foi forçada a abandonar a ideia de usar memória chinesa YMTC em seus dispositivos

Company will not be able to use storage device from Chinese company YMTC (Yangtze Memory)

Founded in 2016, Chinese company YMTC (Yangtze Memory) has made significant progress in producing solid-state memory chips in a short time, approaching the market leaders in terms of technological capabilities in one or two generations. Apple has been exploring the use of YMTC memory in its mobile devices since 2018, but US sanctions in October made that impossible.

According to Nikkei Asian Review, citing its own sources, YMTC's 128-layer 3D NAND memory chips were certified by Apple for use in the iPhone, and the original plan was to start using them in bringing smartphones to market. Chinese this year. According to others, Apple was going to use YMTC memory in 40% of iPhones produced for the global market, as the Chinese supplier offered a 20% lower price compared to major competitors.

It is recalled that on October 7, YMTC was included by the US authorities in the list of so-called “unreliable counterparties”, which by default were denied the receipt of equipment and components of American origin, even if they are supplied from third parties. countries. List members have 60 days to undergo an audit, which involves visits to companies by US inspectors. In case of refusal to participate in this procedure, the company automatically falls on another list, which allows the supply of equipment only after obtaining a US export license. Even in this situation, US regulators start from the “presumption of guilt” and may refuse to obtain a license for no apparent reason.

Of course, now Apple will not be able to cooperate with YMTC, and the latter of the companies will face difficulties in expanding its production facilities and modernizing the existing ones, as it largely depends on the supply of US-made equipment to China. Attempts to replace it with analogues from other countries or create their own have not been particularly successful so far. The company is now preparing to launch its second facility in China.


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