Thursday, June 18, 2020


In the next ten years, robots in Europe will occupy more than 50 million jobs

More than 90 million workers across Europe (about 40% of the working age population) will be forced to learn new skills in the next ten years in order not to lose their jobs. This conclusion was reached by McKinsey analysts, who said that the ongoing process of widespread automation threatens 51 million jobs in the region.
The study authors believe that almost the entire healthy population of Europe will face some changes due to the continuous development of technologies and their penetration in all spheres of human activity. However, ubiquitous automation does not mean that millions of people will certainly be out of work, as job growth in other sectors largely compensates for the total job loss.
The source also notes that by 2030, there will be a shortage of staff in Europe, as there may not be enough skilled workers in the region who can take the places that will appear as a result of technology development. This is especially true for cities like London or Paris, where a large number of vacancies will be concentrated, but few residents will meet employers' requirements.
Analysts note that more employee training and retraining in the coming years will become very important for many companies in different areas of the industry. The development of this trend is becoming faster due to the coronavirus pandemic. The source believes that workers most vulnerable to coronavirus infection are at increased risk of automation. We are mainly talking about sales and customer service, catering services, etc.


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