Monday, September 2, 2019


Estudo realizado no Reino Unido envolveu 10 mil jovens entre os 13 e os 16 anos. As meninas são afetadas pelo cyber-bullying, assim como pela falta de sono e de exercício

Social networks hurt mental health

Social networks are hurting young people's mental health, according to a study by University College London and Imperial College in the United Kingdom. The survey was attended by 10,000 people, aged 13 to 16, and found that - by consulting with networks like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat - the risk of mental health problems increases due to their ' secundary effects'.
There is a “significant” link between children who consult social networks more than three times a day and those who later report psychological stress. According to Sky News, the researchers concluded that this problem is not a direct result of going to networks but is associated with the effects linked to this habit.
However, not all people feel this issue the same way. The study reveals that, for girls, frequent use of hammocks harmed their health by leading to contact with cyberbullying, lack of sleep and adequate physical exercise.
As for boys, these factors only explain 12% of the problems, and in this case there are different effects.
“Our results suggest that social networks themselves are not harmful, but their frequent use may preclude activities that have a positive impact on mental health such as sleep and exercise, while increasing youth exposure to potentially harmful content, particularly cyber-bullying, ”says Russell Viner, one of the study's co-authors, in a statement cited by CNN.
The study's findings were published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

Lifestyle Magazine

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