Monday, March 11, 2019


Fundador da Internet apela a esforço para fazer da web uma "força do bem"Internet founder calls for effort to make web a "force of good"
Berners-Lee admits that, "while the web has created opportunities, has given voice to marginalized groups and facilitated our daily lives, it has also created opportunities for scammers, gave voice to those who spread hatred and made all sorts of crimes easier to commit. "
Despite the abuses and the sense of insecurity and fear felt by some people, the scientist claims that "the web is truly a force for good" and has launched a call to action.
"Considering how much the web has changed over the last 30 years, it would be defeatist and unimaginative to assume that the web as we know it can not be modified for the better in the next 30 years," he said.
Identifying issues such as misuse, hostile or criminal attacks, online harassment, and the advertising-based funding system, Tim Berners-Lee advocates in the open letter for greater regulation and a shift in traffic compensation to use of sensationalist or false information.
"It is not possible to blame only a government, a social network or human nature." Simplistic narratives run the risk of exhausting our energy as we pursue the symptoms of these problems instead of concentrating on their causes.To do this well, we need to unite as a global web community, "he said.
Berners-Lee reiterates in the document published today the challenge launched last year in Lisbon, during the Web Summit, to create a "contract" between users, companies and governments around the world to "make the web" a better place ", reducing inequalities and improving issues such as privacy.
"The Web Agreement should not be a list of quick fixes but a process that signals a change in how we understand the relationship with the online community. It should be clear enough to guide the way forward but flexible enough to adapt to the accelerating pace of change in technology.It is our journey from the digital adolescence to a more mature, responsible and inclusive future, "defended the inventor of the Internet.
In addition to the open letter, the 30th anniversary of the Internet will be marked on Tuesday with a 30-hour trip by Tim Berners-Lee - which will begin at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva and end on Wednesday, will participate in conferences and initiatives to promote the use of the Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee, whose idea in 1989 of a "decentralized information management system" resulted in the creation of the World Wide Web, launched 20 years later in 2009 the Web Foundation, an organization that promotes the development of the network and access to the Internet all over the world. Lusa Agency

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