Thursday, February 7, 2019


Alemanha proíbe Facebook de usar dados do WhatsApp e InstagramGermany forbids Facebook from using WhatsApp and Instagram data

"Facebook can not force its users to accept an almost unlimited collection of their data" through other websites because it places it in a "dominant position," said the president of the Bundeskartellamt, Andreas Mundt.
Whatsapp and Instagram, two applications owned by the US group, may continue their own data collection.
But Facebook can not "join" the data of its users except with the "explicit consent" of these, explains the Bundeskartellamt.
"The goal is to prevent merging of all the information Facebook collects about users," and "force technology giants to adapt their economic models to competition law," Mundt explained.
Specifically, Facebook will have to submit in the space of "four months" a change of conditions of use to the Bundeskartellamt, which should later "approve", said Mundt. Lusa

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