Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Google está a criar motor de busca censurado para China
Google is creating censored search engine for China

The Intercept website is moving forward with the news that Google is developing a censored version of its search engine for China, which would not show sites on the Chinese government's 'black list' in its search results.Those who say it are sources close to the subject, adding that the project is known internally as 'Dragonfly' and could be ready to be launched on Chinese territory within the next six to nine months. The project was the result of a meeting between Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Chinese government officials who will have final say in search engine approval.The rumor is launching the technological world in a wave of criticism against Google, a company that was well-known for its motto, "Do not Be Evil." Given that the Mountain View technology may be collaborating with China in creating a censored search engine, it is clear that the motto mentioned above may no longer make sense.Meanwhile, Google has sent a statement to Gizmodo about this news where it says it does not comment on "speculation and future plans". Despite this, the company notes that it offers "some mobile applications in China, such as Google Translate and Files Go" and points out that "it has made significant investments in Chinese companies such as"

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Miguel Dias-NM

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