Thursday, August 2, 2018


Reddit foi alvo de ataque informático. Credenciais de acesso de alguns utilizadores foram roubadas
Reddit was attacked by a computer. Some users' access credentials were stolen

Reddit said this week that it was targeted by a cyber attack last June. Following the attack, the perpetrator had access to a database with e-mail addresses belonging to some users.The site explains that access was obtained thanks to a text message interception scheme, which picked up "SMS" sent by the company "in the network" as a way to certify the identity of some of the profiles. From now on, Reddit advises all users to switch to a two-factor authentication system.The forum explains that the hacker was able to obtain information stored in back up, source code and a database with records of 2005, 2006 and 2007 (usernames, emails, public and private messages). In addition, some private files have been stolen that could "harm Reddit employees," the company said.Users affected by this security error will have their passwords updated and receive private notifications that will confirm the involvement of their data in this computer attack. Reddit adds that it is also important for users to change the passwords of the services whose access credentials were / are similar to those of this site.Note that Reddit is one of the 10 most visited websites on the internet. The platform brings together some 542 million active users monthly, according to February data. In order to prevent a similar error from happening again, the company is adding layers of encryption to its systems and hiring new employees for the cybersecurity department.


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