Monday, July 30, 2018


20th Century Fox prevê audiências dos filmes através de inteligência artificial
20th Century Fox predicts movie audiences through artificial intelligence
A group of 20th Century Fox researchers has produced a deep learning system that can predict who will watch a movie based on their respective trailer. To train the system, the machine has been "fed" with hundreds of trailers over the years, crossed with millions of movie ratings.The artificial intelligence system links the visual elements of trailers, such as lighting, colors, faces, and other elements, to the respective performance of the films within a certain demographic group. The researchers used NVidia's Tesla P100 system for machine learning, supported by the TensorFlow infrastructure in Google's cloud.According to the researchers, the trained model not only delivered fairly accurate audience results for the released films, but also successfully predicted new films about six to eight months into theaters.The neural network can help studio executives and filmmakers make real-time decisions at the different stages of marketing campaigns.


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