Sunday, July 29, 2018


Huawei desafia-o a despertar para a fotografia
Huawei challenges you to wake up to photography
"A light in the dark" is the theme of the second challenge of the photo contest that Huawei has launched in 10 European countries.In this second phase and to qualify to win a P20 Pro smartphone and a Leica masterclass in Florence, participants will have to share their best shot taken in conditions of reduced brightness or complete darkness with focus on detail and contrast.Photos can be uploaded through an interactive chatbot on Facebook Messenger, being reviewed and sorted through a Huawei P20 Pro Artificial Intelligence algorithm.This Artificial Intelligence algorithm includes four million images taken by professional photographers and image editors and, based on parameters such as focus, stability, deflection, color and composition, assigns each photo a personalized score.If you are interested in participating, you have until July 31. The third challenge, "Gods of Details," starts on August 5th.


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