Monday, April 30, 2018


TelegramTelegram banned from Iran and replaced with app with "death to America" ​​sticker
Two weeks ago, the Iranian government already showed signs that it intended to ban the use of the Telegram, one of the main messengers used in the area. Now, however, the license to operate in Iran has been revoked, which means banning the country's app. In addition, another similar messenger was launched endorsed by the government, which has stickers with the phrase "death to America".According to Al Jazeera report, the app is called Soroush and was released the same day that the Telegram ceased to function in the region. Like its similar, the Soroush has stickers to be downloaded from an official library.Iranian state television is already reporting that the Telegram has been officially banned from the country. "Considering several complaints against the Telegram social network application by Iranian citizens, and based on the demand of security organizations to confront the illegal activities of the Telegram, the Judiciary banned its use in Iran," state TV says.

Segundo a Al Jazeera, stickers da fila do meio dizemWith this, the government has given until April 30 for Internet providers to block both the application and the web version of Telegram. Currently, the Telegram is one of the most accessed messengers in the country. Iran has 40 million users of the application, and the population connected to the Internet is 50 million people. In March of this year, the country had already knocked down both the messaging application and Instagram during protests.In April, Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran's political and religious leader, had banned government agencies from using the app. At the time, the government had accused the Telegram of monopoly and said it wanted to support developed applications of the country.
This is the second ban case Telegram has to face in the month. The Russian government also banned the application after the company refused to provide encryption keys for user investigation by the authorities. One of the creators of the app, Pavel Durov, tried to defend himself by saying that this is a breach of users' right to secrecy, but even so, the application was banned in the country.


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