Sunday, October 7, 2018


Quer novas aplicações para o seu smartphone? Temos (mais) uma mão cheia de sugestões
Want new apps for your smartphone?

Of course, many times have been the times that wanted to refresh the applications that occupy the space of your device.However, given the paraphernalia of apps that pop up every day, it is also common to be undecided whether this or that app will be to your liking.Thinking about it, we leave you the list of applications that we discovered for you this week. It does not matter if your device is Android or iOS, there are apps for all tastes and for almost all ages.

Green File wants to help you transfer files to your Android smartphoneNative file transfer and management programs are not always intuitive. This app presents itself as a "facilitator" for the task.The Green File application wants to be a simple and easy-to-use option for file transfer between smartphones with Android version 4.1 or higher.Its creators say they do not need Wi-Fi, or spend data, and that it works at transmission speeds 200 times greater than Bluetooth. You can transfer images, videos, music, apps, and other content regardless of their size.The biggest bet of this free ads app goes to the simple management of the saved files. Files are divided by categories so that they can be easily found to be moved to another folder or deleted.When you want to move a particular file, Green File separates the screens on your smartphone and displays a new tab to indicate the destination folder, making downloading easier.

What if you only needed to know how to count to control your Android?After two years in beta mode, Google has finally launched the app that aims to give a great help to people with motor difficulties.There are only 62 million people in the USA (19.7%) whose motor limitations affect most of their day-to-day activities. However, there has been a great commitment on the part of technology in developing applications and tools to help users who find themselves in these situations.After announcing in August that it was working with GN Hearing to make a low-power hearing aid with streaming support that could connect to future versions of Android, Google introduced Voice Access.Targeting people with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and spinal cord injuries, the app lets users navigate through applications, compose and edit text, and talk to Google Assistant using only voice commands.After downloading the application, only available for Android, the user finds a list of possible commands to execute by saying the number next to each item.

Run an Empire: Conquer the world. One step at a time.Is this app a strategy game? Yes. Is it a racing application? Yes ... But you'll have to run (a lot) to conquer the world.This is an original way to conquer the world, in a strategy video game, through physical exercises. Run an Empire is an augmented reality title that challenges users to leave the house to play. Imagine the classic Civilization, but instead of doing the shifts on the computer, you will use the app installed on your smartphone to run or walk to be successful.It is available in English.
The game is based on the localization technology, being necessary to cross the lands to conquer them. When you run or literally move to enemy territories, they are indexed to your empire. By adding new land to the territory, players make money to improve buildings or hire workers to investigate new technologies.As you race and conquer new territories, you will rise to experience level, fortifying your position, making it more difficult for potential opponents to attack.

It began in other wanderings and it animated the natalies of many people at the time of the electronic postcards. In addition to the site, it now exists in the form of a mobile app, for both Android and iOS. And yes, there are still dancing elves.Those who already have some time on the internet most probably remember the so-called e-cards, exchanged with friends and family most of the time in festive times, with Christmas in the lead. JibJab came to be one of the most popular features with its little animations where it was possible to replace the faces of different characters with those of the "sender" - or others - and enter into a "dancing scheme".Things have evolved, the smartphone today is king and those responsible for the service did not want to be left behind, having created a mobile application. To use it, you need to create an account, accessing via social networks (such as Facebook or Google+) or via an email address.
Essential is to take a selfie (or two or three), so that later you can "dress the skin" of the different protagonists of animated GIFs. And there are many, divided by different categories, such as Birthday, Work, Dance, Office or Love. And you can always search for themes, that there are always dozens of proposals.Choose your preferred GIF, apply the most appropriate selfie, add text if you like and your GIF is ready to share. The JibJab app is free for both Android and iOS versions, but some animations are only for users who opt for the paid version - as with Clips that have more

Wonders: an app to discover hidden wonders around the worldNot always the entertainment applications are educational, but this app designed for young people from 5 to 10 years is a mix of the two, and runs on iOS and Android.Discovering the wonders hidden in various locations in the world is the goal of the party for the adventure in Wonders. The app was developed by an Italian company in Europeana's #edTech contest, and is available for free to be explored by children between the ages of 5 and 10, but in fact the experience has no limits for anyone wanting to make discoveries about the cultural heritage.There are 13 locations around the world, where investigations and challenges are proposed that help to better understand the world, but only four are available for free, with the rest being unlocked with in-app purchases. The full version costs 2.29 euros.

Wonders is available in English, Italian and French and can be downloaded for iPhone and iPad on the Apple AppStore and for Android smartphones and tablets on Google Play.


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